Our Rescued Birds

Magoo is an 18-year-old male Umbrella Cockatoo. Our friend, Sherry M., was Magoo’s owner. Sherry was with the Bird Club in Milwaukee, and we would do lots of PR together. Lori’s male U2, Joey, recently passed, and Lori was grief-stricken. Sherry asked Lori if anything would happen to her, would you please keep Magoo? Lori, of course, said yes. Well, unfortunately, Sherry died in a car accident several years ago. Her husband called for Lori to go pick Magoo up, and she did the next morning. He has been our Resident Education Bird since then. He enjoys entertaining the crowds when we can be out and about and also draws people to his cage at the Center for Animal Rehabilitation & Education, Inc., telling them he loves them.

Big Lou
Big Lou has been with us for approximately 10 years.
He lived his life in a garage in Chicago before he came here. He was very unsocialized and didn’t like anyone at first. Working with him was difficult, but through months of nurturing and enrichment, Big Lou started coming around to certain people. Fast-forward to now, Big Lou is a great ambassador for the birds. He has become a happy, well-adjusted bird. He loves to do PR events with us when we can.

Mr. Beautiful
Mr. Beautiful came to us from a shelter in Michigan. He is about 33 years old and is blind. He is the sweetest bird. He has his own large cage, which he uses from top to bottom. He loves to sit on a toy on the floor of his cage (that’s his baby). He is not handleable but loves to be talked to and will rush up to his perch so he can be on the same level as the person talking to him. He is a sweet, sweet boy, and he shows us that he doesn’t have to be handled to be loved and cherished.